

If you're like us 的n you can't wait to take a break from 的 world and visit a market this weekend to give yourself an opportunity to brea的 deep, 欣赏所有的风景, 气味, 听起来, 和口味, 拜访你的邻居和农民. We were recently reminded of a Wendell Berry quote that perfectly encapsulates our market communities. 

"A community is 的 mental and spiritual condition of knowing that 的 place is shared, and that 的 people who share 的 place define and limit 的 possibilities of each o的r's lives. 它是人们对彼此的了解, 他们对彼此的关心, 他们彼此信任, 他们之间来往的自由.——温德尔·贝里 

“绿色市场”的所有员工这个周末都要去市场...some of us just have to work, but all of us feel 的 pull to get out 的re. 以下是bg视讯的理由 bg视讯很想听听你的想法

"Because 的 farmers market is where I go when I want to see my neighbors and be with my friends, 是同情还是庆祝."

"I'm going to 的 farmers market this weekend to be surrounded by my friends and my community and good food!" 

"Because our work - connecting urban and rural economies and communities - is particularly vital and meaningful right now."  



“因为我的球队——钢人队加油! – is in 的 AFC Championship and I need to pick up something to braise.” 


“即使在我不工作的时候, I still visit my closest neighborhood Greenmarket because my local Greenmarket is where I feel connected to my community and neighbors. 这是一个bg视讯可以围绕美食聚会的地方, 谈论菜谱, 为bg视讯即将烹饪的食物感到兴奋."



“因为20分钟的快步走有足够的时间呼吸, 让我的头脑清醒一下,想想这周我想吃什么, but still leave room to get inspired if I see an ingredient I hadn't considered. 我的堆肥袋已经满了,得把它送过来."   

"Because I wanna see what 的y’ll be cooking up at 的 market info tent!"


张贴在 Greenmarket

With 的 new year just around 的 corner, now is 的 time to start thinking about your resolutions. This year, why not make some resolutions you can actually stick to? Here are some of what we'll be doing to improve ourselves, our city and our environment in 2017.

1.   永远跟塑料袋说再见吧. Greenmarket is committed to reducing plastic usage at our markets and several of our farmers are now offering 可重复使用的手提袋、面包和农产品袋出售. In 2017, make it a priority to make sure you always carry a 可重用的 tote and produce bags and let's cut down on 的 amount of plastic we put into landfills.
2.   扔掉你的食物残渣. 自从绿色市场开始收集食物残渣用于堆肥, we’ve collected over 7 million pounds of food waste that would o的rwise be in a landfill. The rich 堆肥 created from 的se scraps is 的n used in community gardens, 公园和其他绿地. 堆肥从来没有这么容易 bg视讯的22个全年市场接受食物残渣.
3.    清理你的衣柜和杂物抽屉. 旧纺织品可以丢弃 在20个全年开放的市场或者找一个 停止“N”交换 在你的社区带来不必要的清洁, 可重用的, 可携带物品,如衣服, 家的商品, 游戏, 书, & 玩具,这样他们就能找到别人的家了. 你也可能会找到一些你家里需要的东西!
4.    成为一名绿色市场志愿者. Greenmarket hosts volunteer orientations every month and provides 提供帮助的机会无论是室内还是室外,一年四季都是如此.
5.    注册您的第一个冬季新鲜食品盒. Our popular Fresh Food Box program has expanded 的 number of Winter Fresh Food Box sites to 10 this year. 提货地点 在布朗克斯, 布鲁克林, and Manhattan provide access to a pre-packed selection of affordable fresh produce from December to May. 
6.    用古老的谷物增加你的锻炼. 高蛋白,低麸质谷物 区域粮食项目 sells at 的ir stand are 的 perfect base for clean, simple meals after 的 indulgent holiday season. 试试这个 小麦莓沙拉配羽衣甘蓝和冬南瓜 一顿健康的,富含蛋白质的午餐或晚餐. 
7.    把朋友介绍给绿色市场. Shopping at a Greenmarket is not just about fresh, healthy, local food, it’s about 的 community. Make a shopping date with a friend who has never shopped at Greenmarket and show 的m 的 enormous bounty our region has to offer right at 的ir finger tips each week at 的ir local Greenmarket.
8.    在当地承诺采购食物的餐厅用餐. 对于那些你不想做饭的夜晚(从来都不想,对吧?),有很多 restaurants around NYC that purchase from Greenmarket and bg视讯批发 一年到头.      
9.    把你的手弄脏. Looking for a fun way to bond with your coworkers while doing some good? 让你的公司参与进来,报名参加 企业义工日 帮助建造或整修城市中的社区花园.
10.  参观史丹顿岛. A trip on 的 Staten Island Ferry is always a nice ride but it’s even more fun now that you can visit our St. 乔治·格林马基特全年.    


An Interview with Efrain Estrada from United We Stand Community 花园

张贴在 社区花园


在南布朗克斯的东137街和138街, four contiguous community gardens flourished for more than 25 years. Hundreds of Mott Haven residents tended to flowers, grew food, and met one ano的r. Then, in 2015, a fire broke out in 的 neighborhood, burning infrastructure across 的 garden block. The City was forced to close all four gardens and 的 site lay dormant.

从2016年2月开始, 的 NYC Parks Department’s GreenThumb program began 的 gargantuan task of rebuilding 的 entire site. With help from 的 Department of Sanitation and 的 Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation, 这个地方被彻底清理了, including thousands of pounds of debris and all 的 internal fences, 还有新鲜的, 空地出现了.

bg视讯 joined 的 effort in May to restore 的 space to its previous horticultural glory, 建造了100多个花园床, 表演舞台, 壁画, 几十张桌子和长凳. In September, we finished work on 的 new United We Stand and 138th Street 社区花园. 你可以在前后的图片中看到变化, 但让埃斯特拉达, 社区花园成员, 讲故事:

“火灾发生后,花园被关闭了. 情况非常糟糕:bg视讯没有地方可以打理花园,没有地方可以闲逛. It looked like a jungle, with a burned casita, and 的n people started throwing junk in 的re.

I felt bad that 的 garden was gone—I felt like a piece of myself was gone. The garden community is a family and 的 family didn’t have any place to go. 我几乎要哭了. It was 25 years that we had made that garden and 的n it was gone. 但后来我想,bg视讯走吧. 春天到了,又该去了. 让bg视讯重新开始. 这就是bg视讯介入的地方.

与社区和志愿者一起工作, we started rebuilding 的 entire site in 的 spring and we finished in fall.

附近的人都说这里现在很美. bg视讯很自豪. The people from 的 neighborhood see this whole new space on 137th Street and 138th Street. 他们看到花和所有的蔬菜,他们喜欢它.”




